Get Ready To Print
The Fujifilm PD Lustre has a slight sheen (between matte and glossy) with a slight pebbled texture.
1 Business Day (RTP)
3 Business Days (Colour Correction)
Deep Matte
Fujifilm Deep Matte is a lustreless paper with an elegant color range with subtlety and warmth. Great with soft, light images, skin tones, and black and whites.
3 Business Days (RTP)
5 Business Days (Colour Corrrection)
Fujifilm Glossy is a resin coated paper that dries to the touch instantly, offers an outstanding color gamut and a beautiful gloss finish.
2 Business Days (RTP)
3 Business Days (Colour Correction)
Pearl Metallic
Fujifilm Pearl Metallic has pearl-like crystals which give silver halide color prints a specific lustre, creating a distinctive pearl-like appearance, sure to capture viewer attention. These lend pictures such an intense warmth and depth; they become a true sensation for the eye.
3 Business Days (RTP)
5 Business Days (Colour Correction)
Fujicolor Silk
Fujicolor Silk paper has a distinctive silkscreen texture with a demi-matte surface, which helps to protect prints from handling. More common in years past, this silk surface is now distinctive. You can expect vibrant colors and pure whites, distinct images and sharp text quality.
3 Business Days (RTP)
5 Business Days (Colour Correction)
Our Services
Images under this service are individually colour corrected. Basic colour & density adjustments are applied to each file by our experienced colour technicians. We adjust brightness & colour, for each file to achieve optimal quality at an economical price.
Images under this service are individually colour corrected to a finer detail. In addition to colour and density these prints are adjusted for contrast, saturation & sharpness.
GTA offers a full colour correction service called Custom Printing. Our technicians adjust the normal 5 levels of criteria as well as; Dodging and/or Burning, and slight retouching. This service is commonly used for more detailed colour correction.
Images under this service are individually colour corrected. Basic colour & density adjustments are applied to each file by our experienced colour technicians. We adjust brightness & colour, for each file to achieve optimal quality at an economical price.
Matted Prints
Matted Prints are a great, simple way to take your prints to the next level of luxury with our Acid Free Mats and finished cardstock backing. These prints come carefully assembled and are packaged individually in Archival Safe Resealable Bags.