How do I order a custom size Canvas Gallery Wrap?

You can order any custom size up to our posted largest size. Please note that we only ship up to 30x40. You can order up to 36x60 for pick up orders.

Solid Colour Edge or Mirror Edge

  1. Crop your images at the size needed at 300dpi.

  2. Save the image with a new file name with the custom size. Example: Mary30x50.jpg

  3. Order the next size up (don’t forget to select the 2 inch, 1.5 inch or 1 inch edge).

  4. In the Special Instructions type something to the effect of ‘Use original file Mary30x50.jpg for custom size 30x50. Add Black edge’

Image Wrap Edge

Add the appropriate edge bleed according to the thickness you would like to order:

2 inch - Add 2.25 inches per side = 4.5” total length & width

1.5 inch - Add 1.75 inches per side = 3.5” total length & width

1 inch - Add 1.5 inches per side = 3” total length & width

For example, to create a 30x50 custom size:

2 inch = 34.5x54.5

1.5 inch = 33.5x53.5

1 inch = 33x53

Please let us know in the special instructions of the custom size you want and to use the original file.